
7 Ways to Increase Productivity in the Office

The more productive your company is, the more profitable your company will be—it’s that simple. That being the case, smart companies are always focused on doing what they can to increase productivity.

For many businesses, productivity-focused investments usually look like investing in new tools and technologies, training employees on new processes or approaches, and paying for team members to attend conferences, trade shows, and workshops to develop new skills they can bring back to the office.

While all of these investments are necessary, there are many under-the-radar ways to boost productivity in the office that might not cost an arm and a leg or take up a bunch of your team’s time.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at seven easy ways you can help your team get more done every day.


1. Natural light

Have you ever worked at a desk that was positioned in such a way that you couldn’t see any natural light? It’s not exactly the most inspiring experience, to say the least—particularly during the winter when you can arrive at and leave from the office without seeing sunlight.

It turns out that natural light plays a vital role in terms of workplace productivity and employee morale. In fact, a recent Harvard Business Review report found that natural light and the ability for employees to see the outdoors during the day can have a profound impact on team output. Despite this, one-third of employees say they don’t have access to enough natural light in their offices. Of those surveyed, 47 percent feel tired when they go without seeing natural light and 43 percent are “gloomy.”

According to another study, natural light can help reduce worker headaches and eyestrain by as much as 84 percent. Since your team can’t bring it’s A-game when they don’t feel well, this is a big deal.

RD Scinto properties feature large windows that fill offices with tons of natural light. Founder Bob Scinto takes pride in being able to offer nearly every tenant a window office. “It makes people happier and more productive because they feel more connected to nature,” Bob says.

2. Multiple kinds of work spaces

Open offices are said to inspire collaboration. At the same time, they can be distracting. On the other hand, more traditional offices—think cubicles—are said to be great for doing deep work and getting things done. But they can feel isolating, and may stifle camaraderie.

So, which office layout is most conducive to productivity?

Research suggests that the best office spaces combine a number of elements. There are open spaces that work well for collaborative group projects, quiet spaces that are designed for employees who need to focus, formal meeting rooms, small meeting areas that help two or three employees work together efficiently, and spaces designed for more casual and relaxed encounters.

The best work spaces are designed to move people, creating opportunities for chance encounters that inspire employees to come up with new ideas and get to know more of their coworkers.

It’s also important for employees to have a place to unwind and even be able to conveniently exercise during their workday. Aside from offering multiple types of work spaces to tenants, RD Scinto’s team helps each tenant design and build out their spaces based on their unique needs. Speak to someone in the architecture and design department at any time for design needs and upgrades.

3. Hang art on the walls

If your office doesn’t have anything hanging on the walls—and you don’t have any sculptures, vases, or other decorations scattered about—it may be time to start thinking about the effect art can have on worker productivity.

One recent study found that 53 percent of employees say having art in the office makes them happier. This is a big deal since happy employees are at least 12 percent more productive than their more forlorn peers. What’s more, other research found that employees working out of offices where art was displayed worked 15 percent faster than those working in more barren environments.

Additional benefits of art in the office include reduced stress, an atmosphere that’s more conducive to social interactions, and better initial impressions for clients, customers, and new hires who step foot into the office for the first time.

Art takes center stage at RD Scinto properties. In large part, that’s because Bob Scinto is an avid supporter of the arts himself, having commissioned replicas of Michaelangelo’s David and Leonardo da Vinci’s Virtuvian Man.

4. Consider colors

Believe it or not, the physical color you paint your office walls can have a profound impact on workplace productivity.

According to psychologist Angela Wright, blue is stimulating, yellow helps us be more creative, green calms us down, and red can give us more energy.

On the other hand, white walls—while common—might be the worst color to paint your office walls. White reminds us of cleanliness, but it also reminds us of places we don’t want to be—like the doctor’s office.

So which colors should you paint your office?

There’s no right or wrong answer. Your company might benefit from a mix of several colors. Spend some time thinking about what your office should look like and don’t be afraid of switching things up to see what happens!

5. Put plants around the office

It might seem simple. But putting plants around the office can have a positive impact on happiness and productivity, too.

Plants can relieve stress, reduce anxiety, decrease anger, and give employees more energy. They also can improve employee health, which in turn reduces absenteeism. One study found that the presence of plants decreases the prevalence of coughs, dry throats, and dry skin.

If you don’t have any plants in your office, it may be worth checking out how a simple investment in greenery can go a long way toward improving employee morale and increasing team productivity.

6. Put on music

Do you regular play music in the office? If so, chances are your team works more productively.

Working in silence is definitely necessary from time to time. But it can also be depressing. On the flipside, happy music—think tunes like “Yellow Submarine” and “Brown Eyed Girl”—makes collaboration and group decision-making easier, one recent study found. Music in the workplace also puts employees in better moods and makes them calmer.

This is not to say that you need to hire a DJ to blast music in the office. And you don’t even need to play music through speakers, either, to benefit from increased productivity. Simply letting your employees listen to music on their headphones can do the trick.

7. Embrace flexible schedules

Most traditional companies have predictable hours: 9 to 5.

If your company operates the same way, it may be time to ask yourself whether you need to maintain regular office hours and force employees to work between specific times of the day.

After all, some of us are early bids—and others are night owls.

According to a recent Harvard Business Review item, 96 percent of U.S. workers say that flexible schedules are of the utmost importance. Yet only 47 percent of them say their employers are meeting their needs for flexibility.

In other words, giving your employees the ability to set their own schedules—at least part of the time—goes a long way toward meeting their expectations, which makes them happier and therefore more productive.

Not only can flexible schedules keep existing employees happy and more productive—and therefore less likely to look for another job—they can also make it easier for you to attract top talent.

As long as your employees are getting their jobs done well and don’t miss any meetings or client appointments, does it really matter when they are in the office?

RD Scinto properties support early-bird workers, as well as those who routinely burn the midnight oil. Our 24/7 operational staff ensures your team can work during the time of the day that suits them best.

If you’re looking to increase office productivity, RD Scinto can help.

Contact us today to see how our work spaces can help your team work better together—driving stronger customer experiences and better business outcomes along the way.

With over a 99% occupancy rate spanning several years, it’s no secret that our tenants are happy. We look forward to hearing from you!